Mahoning County Address Portal

Welcome to the Mahoning County Addressing Web Portal online help. Select a help topic below to get started.

Help Topics

  1. Map Data
  2. Webpage Organization
  3. Navigation
  4. Tools
  5. Help

Map Data

Select "Map" on the toolbar to adjust the background display and layer control. There also is an bookmark and basemap option.

Map Menu
  • Layer List

  • Turn on/off layers visible on the map. Turn off/on by clicking the box next to the layer name. Change the transperancy by sliding the arrow at the top of the list of layers.

    Layer List


    Select "Bookmarks" will allow you to save a view or pick from a previously saved map view and zoom the interactive map to that saved view.

    To save a bookmark, click "Add Bookmark", type a name name the area and press enter. The bookmark is now saved. To delete the bookmark once work in that area is done, click the Green X.

  • Basemap

  • Several different options are available to choose for basemaps.

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Webpage Organization

This section will help you to organize the webpage to help maximize viewing space. All of the panels and toolbars that are available to use in this website can be minimized and maximized, docked and undocked, opened and closed. The image below shows the webpage in it's original layout. The full toolbar is located across the top of the page. The Find Street Segment and Search by Parcel panels are open and located at the left of your screen.


The panels that have the ability to be moved around the website are listed below. For a detailed description of each see the "Tools" section.

  • Map Layers
  • Bookmarks
  • Basemap
  • Draw
  • Measure
  • Find Street Segment
  • Update Address Point
  • Update Street Name/Range
  • Add Street Request
  • Identify
  • Search XY
  • Search Parcel
  • Print

  • Minimize and Maximize Panel

  • To minimize any of the open panels click the upward facing arrow in the title bar of the open box.


    To maximize any of the minimized panels click the icon of box you want to maximize on the right side of the minimized box.

    Max Icon
  • Move Panel

  • The widgets can be moved about the screen by clicking in the blue border next to the panel name and draging to the location of your choosing.

  • Close and Open Panel

  • The Panels can be completely closed and then reopened when needed. To close the widget click on the whit "x" in the upper right hand corner of the box.

    To reopen the widget that has been closed go to the appropriate menu at the top of the screen and choose the panel that has been closed.

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  1. Draw Graphic
  2. Measure
  3. Find Street Segment/Insert Address Point
  4. Update Address Number
  5. Update Street Name/Range
  6. Add Street Request
  7. Identify
  8. Search by XY
  9. Search by Parcel
  10. Print PDF
Tools Menu

Draw Graphic

The Draw Graphic panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Draw Graphic panel allows you to draw and display resultant drawing and text. Select the shape tool which you would like to draw. When you select the text button you will be able to add notes to your graphic. Text and lines will disappear when you dismiss the panel.


Types of graphics available

  • Draw Point
  • Draw Line
  • Draw Freehand Line
  • Draw Circle
  • Draw Rectangle
  • Draw Polygon
  • Draw Freehand Polygon
  • Place Text


The Measure panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Measure panel allows you to measure and display resultant measurement text. Select the type of measure ment you would like, Area, Distance or Location. When you use the Area tool, you will receive both an area calculation and a perimeter calculation. When using the Distance tool, you will receive length information. When using the Location tool, you will receive the cooridinates.

Measure Panel

Find Street Segment / Insert Address Point

The Find Street Segment / Insert Address Point panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

You must select your municipality, street and address range for the Add Address Point button to become active. Once the correct street segment is selected, click the Add Address Point button to open the Insert Address Point Panel.

Find Street

Insert Point

Update Address Number

The Update Address Number panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Update Address Number panel is used to update an existing address point when the 911 approver rejects the address number for any reason.

Update Add

Update Street Name/Range

The Update Street panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Update Street panel is used when notification needs to be sent that a street name or range needs to be changed. Once the Street name or range is updated a notification email will be sent letting the muicipality know the chaged is finished.


Add Street Request

The Add Street Request panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Add Street Request panel is used when notification needs to be sent that a street needs added. ONce the Street as been added a notifiaiton email will be sent letting the municipality know the street addition is finished.



The Identify panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

Use the identify tool to identify features on the map. Click on the map to get the attributes of Municipality, Address Points, Parcels, and Street Centerlines.


Search XY

The Search XY panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

Use the Search XY panel is used to find a specific coordiante on the map. The coordinates can be dislpayed in either Decimal Degrees or Degrees Minutes Seconds.


Search Parcel

The Search Parcel panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Search Parcel panel is used to find a specific parcel on the map. Choose the municipality and parcel number from the drop down lists and choose the Search Parcel button.


Print PDF

The Print PDF panel is accessible through the Tools menu.

The Print PDF panel is used to create a pdf of the map that is active on the screen. Any markups that are placed on the map using the Draw Graphic tools will appear on the pdf as well. Choose the down arrow next to choose the format of your print.



  1. Help
  2. Home
  3. Provide Feedback
Help Menu


The help document is accessible through the "Help" button in the Help menu. This tool is to be used when the user requires help in how to utilize the website.


The Home button takes the user to the Mahoning County Website.

Feed Back

The Feed Back panel is accessible through the "Feed Back" button in the Help menu. This tool is to be used to send comments or report problems. The "Add Markup..." button can be used to mark up the issues on the map in your web browser. If the 'Attach Screen Capture' checkbox below is checked, a screen capture of the current map with any mark ups will automatically be sent along with any entered feedback. Once "Submit Feedback" is selected the information will be stored in an SQL table, an email will be sent to Beaver County, and a confirmation email will be sent to the person who submitted comments.

Feed Back
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